Post Punk-Goth Rock-Coldwave-Darkwave-Rare New Wave-Deathrock-Minimal-Synthwave-80s-Contemporary

Post Punk-Goth Rock-Coldwave-Darkwave-Rare New Wave-Deathrock-Minimal-Synthwave-80s-Contemporary

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

Jester La Juste (Colombian Deathrock/Post Punk)

Last week I had an interview with Santiago who is the singer of the Colombian Deathrock band called Jester La Juste. Here you can know more about this marvelous band.

1. It's a pleasure Santiago, tell us how and when did the music of Jester La Juste emerged?

Hello! Well, beforehand, it's a pleasure to know that there's an interest in “Jester La Juste”.
If we hold ourselves to our strict script and personal belief – talking about the band – it could be said that Jester has existed for millennia. Music has always been around and takes form or it's channeled depending on the era and those who inhabitate it. Once upon a time “Shade” and “Deiphil Dar” without knowing, agreed to a date along ago, but, not knowing precisely at what moment (chuckles) and
suddenly we met, we swore to make something that the world wouldn't stand, something that was a mockery to the damn lack of sensitivity that we live around and also swore to make only 13 songs -Superstitious missing their promise?- Nowadays we have been together almost four years, with so many composed stuff that hasn't seen the light yet and we feel an immense necessity to give birth to.
We've been low-income people, but millionaires in creativity and we began getting together in “Delphil's” house, playing with acoustic guitars and a melodic one, supported by drums composed in guitar Pro and above all, with the goal of making something ours.

2. How would you define the music of Jester La Juste?

To define is something that I've always considered as cruel as i also consider it powerful, is the essence of creating. Mainly, the one who has the baton in the music of Jester La Juste is “Deiphil Dar” to whom I consider a genius not compatible with this context, the lyrics and the conceptual creation of this universe of  “dreams and ethereal realities” falls more directly over me.

Our music is influenced by the Baroque, Romanticism, Deathrock, Post-Punk. I would say that we are always trying to tell a story involving different tones of voices which make allusion to different characters and varieties of musical motives, there's always versatility in it.

3. What are your main musical influences?

Bach, Wagner, Sati, Debussy, Joy Division, Cinema Strange and Deadfly Ensemble, Rozz Williams... the 8 bits music... also a lot of the New wave stuff, Lacrimosa in their very beginning... Jmm! I would say that we'd spend some time trying to find the rabbit in the hole.

4. What usually inspires you in the composition of your songs?

Well, when we started our first EP, it was called “Carcajada Anacrónica”, it was a cover letter where we declared to be buffoons coming out of emptiness, with no land nor time, to this land of men with lead eyelids, we also get in touch with romanticism in the figure of the Pagliacci with the song “Luna Nueva” and the abrupt degeneration of the Pagliacci to Buffoon in “Jester Canticum”. This work is very intimate, it has manifestations of very strong feelings and that, maybe, very few would get to comprehend. Later came “De Ensoñaciones y Realidades Etéreas” a piece of work that hasn't seen the light completely, because we haven't had enough resources to release it and distribute it although it's already recorded and from there, we have released the EP “Tras Bambalinas”.

The main inspiration has always been to create a world with fantasy and anachronisms, allegories and mockeries elaborated regarding capitalism and appearance, the mis-sold story always told by the victorious, the creation of idols and dimensional travels to acquire conscience... the optics of a buffoon about the world he has to walk every day.
Curiously between “Deiphil” and “Shade” there's a link, almost to the edge of telepathy! In which if he shows me a melody and I tell him a story, we don't argue much, it's like if we would have created a song in a single mind.

5. I confess that i love the song “Tras Las Bambalinas” tell us a little bit more about the lyrics.

“Tras Las Bambalinas” is a strong song.

It's the sequel of another song that appears in the EP called “Baile Nuclear” where we talk about the social breakdown that has generated the use of GMOs and the monopolization of nature and medicines by the hands of Zionists – Jewish business groups sponsored by families like the Rockefeller and Rothschild (there's more of this, but it's not necessary to talk about it) in short, Tras Bambalinas is the narration of a fight between a mouse (which could be any of us) and the world of the alienated; everything happens under a sky pierced by fallout and watching always how they steal from the world what by natural right belongs to men as a free being! There appears the “man with the cracked mask” our loyal recreation of the typical miser and petty man with a big nose, that goes around privatizing everything and creating an empire of slavery by lying.
The interlude of the song is an extract of  “Do androids dream of electric sheep?” the novel by Philip k Dick, icon of cyberpunk, just after the interlude, the mouse gets affected by radiation and becomes a giant, devastating everything in his path and directing his fury to the “Man with the cracked mask” just like we all should do, ripping the veil of the media, going further than the left or right wing, fascism or communism and understanding that who rules the world has been the sponsor of all this from over the past 60 years. We live in a world where we look for water in Mars and people die of thirst around the corner, where we prefer to devour a corpse from the supermarket, knowing that the mind allows us to develop other methods of nourishment, where engines friendly with the environment have existed for over the past 30 years, but we keep nourishing from the blood of Horus! Where it's more acceptable to see men with rifles than with hats or makeup.
I suggest that to keep going with the thread you should listen to the songs like this: Baile Nuclear, Tras Bambalinas, Voragine.
P.S. No truth is perpetual more than the fact that we will all die in our material forms.

6. I was first introduced to you in the recital you gave last year in the “Nirvana Retro Bar” in Lima (Peru) and the performance was magnificent. What projects do you have for this year?

It was beautiful to be able to play in a place so far from our home. It meant to work in the streets running away from cops or boring people, in search of some change to manage to ride the bus or eat something and feel that in another country they have an “underground” scene so full of union.
We practically left our home with the desire of making music and trusting that we would be well treated and so it was! For this year our goal is to manage to grow our crowd in our city generating a different cultural space, release our album “De Ensoñaciones y Realidades Etéreas” and if everything goes well: Travel. The ensemble we have gives us a lot of trust in this moments and I feel that we haven't done anything yet. (chuckles)

7. It's been a pleasure to talk to you, anything else you'd like to add?
Thanks a lot! To add... hmm, people should look more at the sky, breath more consciously and revolt until death.